DIAGNOdent Laser Caries Detection

More and more patients place value on healthy and attractive teeth. In order to maintain them, the earliest possible care is essential. DIAGNOdent aids in the detections of caries. Even very small lesions are detected at the earliest stage, enabling you and Dr. Jacques Imbeau to protect and preserve the tooth substance.

Of course the ideal is to prevent the caries from beginning - See CariScreen for more information. The next best course of action is early diagnosis and interception using minimally invasive techniques.

Below is a tutorial, brought to you in cooperation with DenTrek the global dental education network, that will explain how DIAGNOdent works, how it is operated and how we and you, as a patient, benefit from using this diagnostic modality. The Tutorial is designed for dentist and is thus a bit technical but the information contained is also valuable for you as a patient and will help you understand the value of early caries detection and treatment in combination with minimally invasive therapeutic modalities.

To start this tutorial, please click on the preview image:

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* To watch this webcast you will need the current version of Macromedia flash player installed on your PC. If it is not present, a free download is available from http://www.macromedia.com/software/flashplayer/

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